バナナチョコチップマフィンの作り方(How to make banana chocolate chip muffin)

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Thank you for watching Minosuke Sweets.This channel makes it as easy as possible to enjoy seasonal recipes.Usually, we hold online sweets classes dedicated to individual lessons using LINE and video.Homepage: https://www.minosuke9.com/Instagram is updated daily. Please come to play!Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/minosuke9/

As the banana I bought was ripe, I made a muffin that was perfect for a snack.The butter cake-type muffins that lather butter will have a fluffy and moist feeling. If you do not eat immediately, it is recommended that you cool it down and wrap it in wraps and freeze it. Thaw at room temperature and enjoy the same taste as fresh.

無塩バター 100g
きび砂糖 70g
塩 1つまみ
卵 M1個(50g程度)
薄力粉 130g
ベーキングパウダー 3g
バナナ 60g
チョコチップ 50g(30gは生地に、20gは飾りに)
Banana chocolate chip muffins (6 pieces)
100gUnsalted butter
70g brown sugar
A little salt
Egg (about 50 g)
130g Soft flour
3g Baking powder
50gChocolate chip (30g for dough, 20g for decoration)
※ If you have bananas, prepare decorations as you like.


・ Preheat oven to 170 ° C
・ Paper the paper in the mold* Click here for the type used this time

① 18℃くらいの柔らかなバターにきび砂糖、塩を加え、白っぽくなるまで混ぜる。
② 室温に戻していた卵を(つめたすぎなければOK) 5~6回に分けて混ぜていく。
③ 薄力粉、ベーキングパウダーをふるい入れる。
④ つぶしたバナナ、チョコチップを加えて混ぜる。
⑤ 型に入れ、170℃で30分焼く。
⑥ オーブンから出した直後にショックを与え、粗熱が取れたら型から外す。

① Add the soft butter at around 18 ° C, acne sugar and salt, and mix until white.(Salt is a tightening of taste.)
② Mix the eggs that have been returned to room temperature in 5 or 6 times.Make sure to emulsify each addition to avoid separation.
③ Sift flour and baking powder.を Add the mashed banana and chocolate chips and mix.
④Put in a mold and bake at 170 ℃ for 30 minutes.
⑤Immediately after taking out from the oven, give a shock.


Thank you for watching until the end.
